Complaining Can't Hide Who's Truly at Fault
Dear Abby 무료 듣기 - 영어 기사 리스닝 연습

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Complaining Can't Hide Who's Truly at Fault

Dear Abby | November 2nd, 2024 | Letter 2 of 3

DEAR ABBY: A close person in my life complains about money yet spends money on frivolous things. They have rooms full of decorations, dishes, plants, flowers and lanterns, and have done extensive planting in their garden, which, to some, is a waste of money. They buy groceries they don't eat, and then complain about throwing food away. An example: They bought Oreos, which they hate, so now the cookies sit in the cupboard. At some point, it will become someone's fault, but maybe not the correct person's. I guess they're only happy when they are alone, buying decorations? -- NOT MANAGING IN THE EAST.

DEAR NOT MANAGING: People shop (and sometimes overshop) for many reasons, including boredom, depression and compulsive behavior. If the person you are writing about is spending their own money, I see no reason why you should be writing to me. However, if it is your money, perhaps the close person needs to be put on a budget.

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