Relatives Consistently Misspell Woman's Name
Dear Abby 무료 듣기 - 영어 기사 리스닝 연습

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Relatives Consistently Misspell Woman's Name

Dear Abby | October 26th, 2024 | Letter 2 of 2

DEAR ABBY: What do you think of a situation in which close family members and close friends misspell my daughter's name? She is now 22. We recently celebrated her college graduation, and I was appalled to see her name botched on cards. This has been done to her over the years. Abby, her name sounds similar to a more common name, and I have deliberately written her name out on invitations and texts, etc. It upsets me, and she already struggles teaching others how to pronounce her name, let alone write it properly. I feel a lack of care or respect that they don't take the time to be sure. Am I right? -- MISSPELLED IN NEW JERSEY.

DEAR MISSPELLED: How do these friends and relatives treat your daughter? If they treat her well, forgive the mutilation of the name you gave her. She's an adult now, so let her fight her own battles from now on rather than alienate her from folks who care about her.

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