Man Still Carries a Torch for Unfaithful Ex
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Man Still Carries a Torch for Unfaithful Ex

Dear Abby | October 21st, 2024 | Letter 2 of 2

DEAR ABBY: My wife of 15 years cheated on me with a man 20 years her senior. I never so much as winked at another woman. We are divorced now, but I know we still love each other. She calls me from her new house in the middle of the night if she's scared, even though she plans to marry him. She knows I'm the love of her life. Am I crazy for holding on? I can't help but still love her. Is she just using me? Is there any hope? -- IN LIMBO IN IDAHO.

DEAR IN LIMBO: The divorce is final. That she is planning to marry the man she cheated with should be sending you a strong message -- and it isn't that she still loves you. If she gets scared in the middle of the night, remind her that she now has a fiance to protect her. Then change your number.

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