Relationship Reaches Two Years Without a Meetup
Dear Abby 무료 듣기 - 영어 기사 리스닝 연습

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Relationship Reaches Two Years Without a Meetup

Dear Abby | April 14th, 2024 | Letter 1 of 2

DEAR ABBY: I am a gay man who matched with another guy on a dating site two years ago this month. At first, we texted constantly. No one has ever made me feel the way he made me feel through texting alone. He displayed qualities that set him apart from anyone else I have talked to. We made a date, but he canceled at the last minute because of cold feet. He requested more time to get to know each other before meeting. For the past two years, we have continued to message each other, though not nearly as often. He says he very much wants to meet, but says he's intimidated by my accomplishments in life and is convinced I won't like him. (Abby, he is more accomplished than most of the guys I date.) I have tried desperately to convince him to meet me so we may both find out if we are a good match. In the meantime, I continue to date other guys because I want to find someone to share my life with. But I refuse to put my life on hold in a vain hope that we might someday meet. However, my desire to meet him overshadows most of my attempts to date others. His statements that he badly wants to meet me but is afraid to do so is incredibly frustrating. Should I block him from contacting me further so I might focus on looking for someone else? Or should I keep doing what I've been doing? -- FRUSTRATED IN KENTUCKY.

DEAR FRUSTRATED: There may be a logical reason why this relationship has not progressed. The man with whom you are communicating may not at all be who he says he is. Because you have invested so much time and emotion in trying to meet him, offer him one more chance to meet. Tell him that if he can't bring himself to do that, you are ending the relationship and will block him from contacting you further. Then follow through. Consider it to be taking a giant step forward in your life. You deserve better than the teasing you have been receiving.

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