One-Time Model Wonders What To Do With Nude Portraits
Dear Abby 무료 듣기 - 영어 기사 리스닝 연습

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One-Time Model Wonders What To Do With Nude Portraits

Dear Abby | April 10th, 2024 | Letter 2 of 3

DEAR ABBY: During my 30s (I am now mid-70s), I did some nude modeling for several reputable photographers, which resulted in some lovely portraits. A few of them have been framed and hang on my bedroom wall. My family members are aware of them, but they are very religious (which I am not), so I don't know how to dispose of them. Should I try to sell them, and if so, how? Should I bequeath them to someone, or should they be left for my estate executor to deal with? What to do? -- PORTRAITS IN THE SOUTH.

DEAR PORTRAITS: Definitely discuss this with your executor well before the need arises. If the photographers are well-known, go online and find out if there's a market for their work. Offer the portraits for sale and see if there is any interest. You could also bequeath them to an open-minded relative or friend. I wish you luck.

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