Adult Daughter Admonished at Home by Mom
Dear Abby 무료 듣기 - 영어 기사 리스닝 연습

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Adult Daughter Admonished at Home by Mom

Dear Abby | April 3rd, 2024 | Letter 2 of 2

DEAR ABBY: I'm a full-figured 25-year-old woman who lives at home. My family has three dogs. Every night, I go into my mother and father's bedroom to pick up the youngest one to hold for a few minutes and say goodnight. The dog likes to sleep closer to the middle of the bed, so I need to bend over to reach the dog. When I bend over, my mother gives me a look because she says my shirt starts to reveal my body and I should be mindful of my dad. I wear long T-shirts, long pants, and sometimes bras when I'm around the house because I'm trying to be mindful of my dad and younger brother. I want to be free to not think I need to cover up when I'm doing something small like picking up the dog. Dad is a good man. He has never disrespected me in any way as I matured into a woman, so my mother's extra carefulness bothers me. What should I do? -- JUST WANT MY DOG.

DEAR JUST WANT: Because at 25 you are still living under your mother's roof, you should respect her wishes. Once you get a place of your own, you can bounce around as much as you wish.

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