Hushed Comments Overheard at Gathering
Dear Abby 무료 듣기 - 영어 기사 리스닝 연습

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Hushed Comments Overheard at Gathering

Dear Abby | March 31st, 2024 | Letter 2 of 3

DEAR ABBY: For 23 years, my sister was involved with a violent alcoholic and drug addict. It ultimately ended when he chose to take his own life a year and a half ago. Their union produced two children -- a boy (17) and a girl (13). Recently, at our grandma's memorial service and family reunion, I overheard constant negative comments from my nephew about people drinking at the event, and how we shouldn't, because his dad was an alcoholic. No one was belligerent or ill-mannered. I only overheard these comments; I did not engage with them. My question is, should we be tempering our drinking around my nephew? -- SOCIAL DRINKER IN TENNESSEE.

DEAR SOCIAL DRINKER: As long as the family can handle their alcohol consumption, there is no reason to change their behavior when your nephew is around. There is, however, a genetic predisposition to addiction in some families. This is why your niece and nephew should be warned (if they haven't been already) that this might place them in jeopardy if they choose to experiment with it.

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