English everyday conversation examples, lines, sentences

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일상회화 #05
English conversation #05

Daily English conversations


01 Could you clarify that?

02 Could you clarify what you mean by that?

03 Could you clarify that last sentence for me?

04 I'm not sure if I fully understand your question

05 Have you get a chance to check my email?

06 Did you had a chance to look over the proposal?

07 I haven't actually had a chance to look at it yet

08 Here's the file you requested

09 I've come up with this great idea

10 Let me know as soon as you can

11 Could you send it to me as soon as you can

12 We'll get back to you as soon as we can

13 We're a little short on time, so I'll just take one more question

14 Is it time sensitive?

15 No, it's not that time sensitive

16 Actually, it's a little time sensitive

17 You can email it to me directly

18 Could I speak to him directly?

19 I'm sorry, but it's not up to me

20 Not up to me. It's not my department

21 Could I speak to someone in charge, please?

22 I'm not the person in charge, so could you call back later?

23 You might wanna check with the front desk

24 I'll check back with you later

25 He's with a client at the moment

26 I'm gonna be brief

27 Let's make this meeting brief

28 Let's have a quick meeting on Monday

29 Do you have a minute?

30 How is your report coming along?

31 How's your book coming along?

32 It's taking some time, but it's coming along pretty well

33 I'm sorry, but I'm a little tied up right now

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