일상회화 #03English conversation #03
Daily English conversations
01 Take you time, I can wait02 You can't just take your time out there, you need to get back03 It's gloss, never mind04 Wait a second, I'll be right back05 I'll be back in an hour06 Are you ready to go?07 Are you ready to order? Yeah, I just nedd another second08 I can tell the difference holding it09 Not good at this apparently10 no no you go ahead11 I was gonna throw it away. Go ahead, you never used it anyway12 You wanna win by cheating, go ahead alright13 Here you go14 Here we go15 Have a good one16 yeah, I'm down for that for sure17 I'm sorry, What's that? Could you say that again18 Then we'll have signing in the back. sounds good19 I'll have the drink for the both of us20 Oh, my bad21 It's fine, I don't care. That's fine22 alright, I gotta get going. We'll see you around23 You got this go have fun24 What do you mean by that?25 I'm not really sure I get this26 I'm not sure what that is, yeah looks good27 just let me know if you need help with it28 if you ever need anything, just let me know29 you guys got any questions just let us know30 Oh, no way
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